Friday, April 15

OOOOOOOOKlahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain...

or it comes at you like a quad engine locomotive and slams into you with all the force of a quarter mile long freight train hauling ass across the plains...

Egads, man!  The wind is just crazy today.  It's not wind.  It's crazy, stupid, wind.  Insane.  Outrageous!  I mean, really- is this necessary?  We have wind every single day of the year.  Most of the time it's 10-20 mph.  Ok- I get that.
I don't like it- but I get it.

But this wind.
This wind is just... udderly ridiculous (who can resist a cow joke?).
Sustained at 39 mph, gusting into the 50's.  That's really just not necessary.  Ever!  It's one of those days when I wish we had a wind turbine (or three or a dozen) in our backyard making our electric meter turn backwards- forcing OG&E to pay ME money.  Can I get an Amen???

I rode to work today.  I was sick the last two days.  I had a fever and some kind of bug that didn't let me be awake for more than about 20 minutes at a time.  So after sleeping for somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 hours on Wednesday and another 14 yesterday I was feeling well enough to go back  to work today.  I rode in, and it wasn't half bad (of course, I was riding SE and the wind is out of the NW- so there you go- a brisk tailwind the whole way).

Coming home was a whole other story.  I took the longer way home just to ride on roads I was fairly certain would have little to no traffic.  Why?  Well, I hate cars, but aside from that- I was worried about the wind blowing me into their line of travel.  I had good reason to be worried.  It pushed me around like the too tall too angry bully on the playground.  And I'm no lightweight- but I sure felt like a Raggedy Ann doll out there today.  I take that back- I felt like one of those giant wacky inflatable flailing arm men tubes.  You know the kind.
Just picture that on a bike and there you have my commute.  In a nutshell.

SO I finally get blown home and decided to go outside and read.  Now I know what you're thinking:  why would you go outside?  Well: #1 it's beautiful (temperature wise) and #2  it's beautiful (temperature wise).  I found a corner on my back patio that was sorta somewhat kinda blocked from the wind.  I sat down with my book to read and it looked like this:  Calm and peaceful.  Serene.
But what you can't see is the wind blowing all around like a madman trapped in straight jacket trying to get out.  So although it looks calm- this is what it felt like:
Somehow I knew I wouldn't have peace and quiet for too long before my 4 legged friends found out that I was on the porch.  Once they knew I was there, Kona would want to play ball.  And that's just what happened.  Tearing around the corner came a little brown dog with a ball in her mouth just begging to be played with.  How can I resist that sweet, sweet face?

So we played ball for a little while until I wore her out, then I headed back inside to let my ears take a break.  They felt like I had been sitting next to a jet engine on full throttle.   Oh my!!!

And now the power is flickering on and off while I type this.  Sometimes I can edit and save- sometimes not so much.  The wind is a fickle little guy... and like it or not he's here to stay.

I choose to not let him mess with me.  I shall continue to play outside, ride my bike,  read my books and play with my dogs.  And blog.

Pedal on, my friends!

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