Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas- bicycle style

Artwork by Mark Young

More snow pictures from BLIZZARD '09


Now that's it's over- here are some pictures from the


Sure, it looks pretty, but it sure is problematic
That's one tall snowdrift

You can barely see the bench in the courtyard:
Cookie says: I'm not going out there...
More snowdrifts that are taller than the bottom of the windowsill

Things are getting back to normal today. We had to shovel out a little pathway for R to get out of the garage to go to work tomorrow. I won't be leaving for a few days. Too tall snow will get me stuck or high-centered. Yikers. I'm glad my mom bought me two really cool books to read so I won't be searching for entertainment.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 24

Let it ice, let it sleet, let it snow

Although it might not be a favorite holiday song, it's the weather outside today.
It's: Oklahoma Blizzard 2009

Here is the progression of snow throughout the day:

The courtyard at about noon
The courtyard at about 4 pm

Here's the backyard at about noon:
At about 3 pm
At about 5:30 pm
Oh my!!! What a mess. And it's not even done yet. :)

Sunday, December 13

Hi ho, hi ho- it's back to work I go

So tomorrow I must return to work. Actually it's not all that bad- I kinda miss it. I really just miss getting out of bed and having a purpose in life. Laziness (forced or not) begets laziness. The more I sit on the couch, the more lazy I become. Time to return to the real world.

guess what I'm sitting here wearing on the couch? It's warm, it's comfy and it's ugly... one guess- give up? It's the ugly sweater that Rian wore to ugly sweater game night on Friday. Turns out this horrid fashion reject from the 1980's is actually pretty warm. Damn you, awful ugly sweaters... So my plan to give it back to the Goodwill is thwarted, for it shall remain in the living room ready at a moment's notice to provide me with warmth and comfort. Sorry needy people in the metro area- you'll have to get another sweater from my collection.

Today I rode my mountain bike to the Redbox and back. It was a total of just a tad over a mile. I was so exhausted I had to take a nap when I got home. How sad is that? I won't mention the unpleasantness this morning between me and the bathroom. It was not pretty. I'll spare you the disgusting details. Stupid surgery making all my bodily functions out of whack.
Oh, and I sneezed for the first time since the surgery- which by the way- is truly a miracle in itself (from the woman who sneezes at least eleventy billion times a day). I was not ready for it and it took my gut by surprise. YOWZA! Good news is all the guts stayed inside. :)

Enough for today. Nighty night cyber world...

Friday, December 11

Ugly sweater game night

Tonight a group of friends got together to play games. And since we are all dorks, we decided to wear ugly sweaters. Why not? There were some doozies there. My favorite was Rob in a woman's sweater with chipmunks and nuts on it. Classic. It was a great night. Alison and Jeff are great hosts and always put together a great party!
We played Battle of the Sexes and had a blast. I was a bit cranky and drugged up, so I hope I wasn't too unpleasant to be around. :)
Enjoy the pictures, but please don't be jealous of our awesome sweaters.
Now for the silly picture:

The happy couple:

A serious far away look:

Thursday, December 10

My guts got stolen- oh my!

So maybe not really, but on Tuesday a few of my guts got surgically removed.
Tuesday morning at about 1:30 I meandered over to Mercy Hospital ER to get a little attention. My stomach had been hurting pretty bad all night long, and I'd had ENOUGH of the pain. I thought maybe it was an ulcer and I didn't know or didn't care what it was so long as they gave me medication to make it all better.
Sooo... I go in and I get some super awesome drugs in an IV (dilotin) and the pain was all gone. The doctor comes in and starts pushing on my stomach and when I say it "hurts there" he says: uh oh- that's the appendix. About an hour later I'm getting a CT scan- complete with enima injection of iodine dye- woo hoo. Turns out it IS appendicitis and they schedule me for surgery a few hours later (that same morning). I get checked in to the hospital, get a room, and settle in. A couple hours later I'm being wheeled in for surgery, get cut open, get an appendix ripped out, get sent back up to my room, get some more drugs, and then go home.
How's that for the short version?
I didn't think the surgery would be a big deal, but I guess it's a bigger deal than I thought. I took a bunch of pictures of me throughout the course of the day, but can't get them off hubby's phone to put on the computer. It wasn't too bad. I'm still a little hurty down below, but it's all good.

As usual per the last few days, I'm tired now and must go take a nap. I seem to take one little cat nap every hour or so. I get sleepy, close my eyes- wake up about 5-10 minutes later and I'm good to go for another hour. I'm very tired... might also be the lortab I'm taking.

Will check back in in a couple days or two. Until then- goodbye appendix-you will NOT be missed because you caused me great pain. Sionara!