Sunday, May 23

The last big hike

Today was the last long hike in prep. for the Grand Canyon.   Hiked for 1:30 (which isn't very long, but I was dead tired and my legs were like bricks, so I suppose it was long enough).  I guess it was good practice to hike when I was so tired.  I had to stop a lot (under the guise of getting good pictures) to give myself some rest.  Good thing I'll have plenty to photograph in the Canyon- plenty of opportunity to stop and rest. ;)

Went out to Arcadia lake to hike the hills (again, and again and again). 

Saw a ladybug, and caught some birds in flight over the water.

It was extremely windy (in the 25-30 mph sustained range), and it was warm, but the wind kept the warm from being too much.
It really was a nice day to be outside.  Even my ridiculous allergies couldn't keep me from having fun outside.
I only walked about 4 miles, but it was good practice.

Look out GC- we're coming your way in a week!!!  I hope you're ready for the Brown Invasion! 

Saturday, May 22

A three hour tour- a three hour tour...

No, I didn't take a cruise with Gilligan and the crew (but close)- I took a tour around the city with a friend.  We had a great day!!

We stopped at a park to play on the jungle gym.
 Steph hung from the bars:

I decided to ride the ducky.

Then we went about our merry way, and I found $.32 at an intersection in pennies and a quarter.  Steph went INTO the intersection to get the quarter.  She's a trooper.  Score!!  I *love* finding money on my ride.  Woo hoo!!!

We got back to the lake  (whose trails run alongside a golf course).  FORE!  We almost got nailed in the head by a rogue golf ball.  It bounced right in front of us- making us jump a little (trust me- bikes can jump).

Oh no- my head!

The golf ball that tried to kill us.

Then we decided that we needed to grab some lunch from the golf course clubhouse, and we had a picnic lunch on her sailboat docked at the lake.  It was so much fun!!!  The relaxing lull of the water, the blowing wind, the fish jumping in the water.   It was AWESOME!!!

Sittin' on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away...

Then it was time to head back home.  We finished our ride and came home.  We were gone for 3  hours, but only rode 1:40.  We really had a great time!!!   I love that I have a friend I can ride with who loves taking pictures, stopping to get money (Steph had to run into the intersection to get the quarter), and just be slow and silly.  Good times!!!  I don't know the mileage or the average and I don't care.  I care that I had fun and enjoyed my day on the bike. ;)

Tuesday, May 18

Poor little birdie...

Yesterday we were cleaning up after the hailstorm on Sunday night, and we came across 4 giant dead birds- and one empty nest.  It was very sad to see so many helpless animals affected by the hail.
We were raking leaves, putting the fallen pine branches back into the beds to use as mulch, and picking up the pieces of the broken landscaping that had been blown across the yard.  In one of the front beds, i see something fluttering and flailing.  It was a bird.  He obviously had broken bits.  I don't know if his neck was broken (unlikely he'd be alive), or if his leg or wing were broken, but he was hurting and couldn't fly away. 
I moved in closer to get a better look.  He looked so sad.  I went inside and cried.  Then I got on the internet and did some research about bird sanctuaries and where I could take him to get him some help.  I found a place in Noble (but it is about 40 miles away).  I called them and they said I could drop the bird off at the OKC animal shelter and they would come up there to get him.  I told the hubs to get the car ready cuz we were taking this little bird to the shelter.  We got in the car and drove him south side.  We arrived after hours, so we put him in a cage and left him.
Poor little guy.  I feel so sorry for animals who are suffering.  They are truly helpless and cannot always take care of themselves.  He would have died a long, probably painful death if I hadn't tried to help him.  I don't know if the sanctuary can do much to help him, but if nothing else, maybe they can give him a quick, painless end. 
I didn't know him for long, but I sure did grow fond of him.  He was a nice bird. 

Sunday, May 16

Hiking the Wichita Mtns. and big ass hail

Today and last night was a lot of fun!!  We went down to the Wichita Mtns. to do a shakedown for the Grand Canyon.  We tried out the tent, sleeping pads/pillows, and camp food.  Equipment verdict:  tent is GREAT!  Rian's sleeping pad is GREAT!  Mine is NOT (neither is my pillow).  When we got home, I ordered a new sleeping pad and a luxury pillow.  One thing I will NOT compromise on during a 4 day hike is sleeping comfort.  I will sacrifice weight for comfort.  I have no problem carrying more if I will sleep comfortably at night!

Today we loaded the backpacks up and this morning hiked to the top of Mt. Scott.  It was a late start to the morning, much later due to the gatekeeper not coming to open the gate at 9.  We had originally planned to drive to the top and hike down and then back up (much like the GC).  Since the gatekeeper did not come by 9:30, we reversed our plan, parked the car, loaded up, and headed for the top.
The gate is STILL closed at 9:30  Grrrr....

It was a pleasant hike.  The morning was getting hotter, it was insanely humid, and there wasn't an ounce of wind in the air (that's VERY unusual here), but it was cloudy.  The climb starts off very steep, leveling off here and there on the 2.7 mile hike to the top.
On the way up
We were having a good hike.  We came across a gigantic caterpillar and a very unusual snake in the road (not in the same place).  The snake was gray on top, but bright orange with black spots underneath.  Rian flipped him over, but he didn't put up much of a fight.  I'm wondering if he wasn't near death when we came upon him.  He moved a little, then sat and played dead.  We flipped him off the road so he wouldn't get run over.  I hope we didn't cause him more harm than did him good.  he was a cute little guy.  
As we neared the top, the sun was coming out, and traffic was increasing.  We were walking *with* traffic on the way up (a big no-no, but we  were scared to walk on the inside of the curves because there is no visibility for the cars coming down the mountain).  It was getting tough as we neared the top, but it still wasn't really hard.  I don't know if we're in good shape, or it just wasn't that hard.

What a pretty view from near the top!

We reached the top in 1:10.  Turned around and went right back down.  Made it down in 1:00.  We stopped a lot and took a lot of pictures.  We weren't setting any land speed records- just out to practice and have some fun.  The hike down was SO great!!  

Hiking down we saw lots of neat things: a lake in the distance, some super amazing flowers on a cactus, and we took some rest breaks along the way.

So it was a GREAT day!!  We got home, took a nap, and then suddenly all hell broke loose.  A huge hailstorm was coming our way.  We heard the hail hitting the roof, and  I cringed.  It was BIG hail.  Golf ball size (not baseball or softball, but big enough), and it was coming out of the sky like rockets.  FAST and FURIOUS!  Managed to collect a few hailstones (after it had stopped and melted a little).  It was crazy!!!  Take a look:

Seems like we escaped any house damage.  We have lots of tree leaves/branches down, lost our vegetable garden, our flower gardens, and our landscape lighting.  It's not much, but it still makes me sad.  I guess I wanted to plant another garden anyway, right?  
The most important thing is our house appears to be fine.  Whew!!!  
This has been a very crazy week (tornadoes last Monday and huge hail today).  I wonder what else is in store for us...????

Monday, May 10

It's Tornado Time!!

Tornadoes, winds and hail, OH MY!!!

Today we have had quite the outbreak of tornadoes in central OK.  Oh my!!!  One came a little close to us, but not too close.  There have been many tornadoes within 30 miles.  We lucked out- many were not so lucky. 

 I hope everyone is safe out there.  I never worry about my possessions because they can all be replaced.  I'm sure if a tornado takes my house out I will be devastated, but it's just "things" after all.  I'm more worried about my life when storms comes close. 
Let's hope everyone in the storm's path is safe from harm. 

Sunday, May 9

Hiking in Martin Nature Park

It's no Grand Canyon, but it'll have to do for now.  I went on a 2 hour hike today in a nature park near my house.  The trails are flat, but it's still good practice for hiking with the pack loaded.  Had the pack loaded up with 20 lbs of gear.  That is loaded up with everything I'm planning on taking, including a full bladder in the pack.  I'm still missing my five finger shoes, and the food we're taking, but that's it.  About 8-10 more pounds of stuff and it's good to go.  I'll probably wear my pack at school for a few days to get used to the weight on my shoulders. 
I had fun hiking.  I only saw one other person out there.  It was so peaceful having the whole place to myself.  Here are some pictures from my day. 

Saturday, May 8

5 for 5

Way to go!  Five for five commutes this week.  Yee haw!!

Rode an extra hour M-W (2 days after work, 1 day before work).  Thursday and Friday I'm just glad I made it home before I crashed out and fell asleep.  It was a rather long week at work.  Friday night we had an event at school for 3 hours.  I got home at 9:30.  It was a long day. 
Only 2.5 more weeks left.  They will be long, and they will be painful, but they will pass quickly. 

I should have gone out for a 3-4 hour ride today, but I did not.  I stayed in bed until 11 and then went thrift store shopping for a couple hours.  I just had no motivation.  On the day when I should have the *most* motivation, I seem to have none.  I just want to lay in bed and rest. 

Tomorrow I plan on a couple hour hike.  It should be good, cool weather.  I will load up the backpack and hit the trails.  IF I can get out of bed...

Wednesday, May 5

Love the cool morning air!

Miles commuted today:  14
Miles driven:  0
Happiness factor:  a million

Rode early this morning.

Very early.

Just before 6 am early.

Since I had a faculty meeting after school I knew that I wouldn't be riding in the afternoon.  I decided if I was going to ride today, it was going to have to get done before the day began.  So even tho it was dark, and super buggy out which caused me to eat about a gajillion bugs, it was the BEST ride I've had in a while.
I don't know if it was because I was fresh, because the wind wasn't shoving me backwards, because the sun wasn't searing my skin or what.  It was incredible.  Peaceful, calm, and quiet.  There were lots of runners and a couple cyclists.  Only the hard-core venture out that early... guess I'm one of them.  ;)

I was riding along and caught the sun peeking up over the lake's horizon, and then found it on the golf course peeking between the trees.  What a fabulous find!!!

When I arrived at work, BF got parked in his spot so I could do my thing.  He was waiting patiently until I left work at 4:45.  He was anxious to get back out there, and I was happy to oblige.  I love my bike- have I said that lately? 

Until tomorrow, my friend...

Monday, May 3

Hellllooooo May!

I've missed you so much... it's nice to have you back old friend.  Please stick around for at least two months so we can enjoy you. 

Miles commuted today:  17
Miles driven:  0.  Woo hoo!!

Look at this water:  when Lake Hefner is smooth as glass you KNOW there's no wind.  Yee haw!!

Today was glorious!!!  Rode to work this morning in the cool (almost cold) air, and then took an hour detour on the ride home to ride around the lake.  I planned on riding twice around, but ran into a friend and we got to talking... and 30 minutes later it was time to head home.  I'm glad I stopped to chat, tho, because hubby came riding up behind me.

Look who I ran into at the lake (it's the hubs)

We continued riding at the lake for a few more miles, then made the turn and headed home.  We live right across the highway from the lake, and are fortunate to be able to ride to the lake and home again without much effort.  It's nice being so close to something so beautiful (and useful).

Riding through the neighborhood on the way home

I bought a new handlebar bag, and have been using it the last couple days.  It's tiny and compact and I LOVE it.  It will be perfect for Freewheel next month.  I've been looking at handlebar bags for about 2 years now, and I finally bit the bullet and bought one.  I'm happy with my purchase.  It will be perfect.

Finally we arrived back at home. I was disappointed to arrive at home- as strange as that may be.  I wish I could ride all night long, but other responsibilities call.  I need to get on the treadmill and do a couple mile hike tonight.  The Grand Canyon trip is coming up soon, and I still have lots of preparation to do...

Since May is Bike To Work month, I will bike every day this month.  I vow to ride my bike every time I can.  Life is good!