Tuesday, February 23


Today's tip
When you get tired of winter and the cold and wet, all you have to do is... MOVE!  Sorry, that's all the wisdom I have today.  

Warning:  gripe time in 3...2...1...

Waaaaaaaaaaaa- I want springtime NOW!!!!!  I'm so tired of cold and snow and wet and yuck outside!!!  If I lived up North, I should expect it.  Not here.  Even Dallas, TX got snow this morning.  I'm shaking my fist at the northern states who have surely sent this curse upon the southern states.  You just keep it up there, mister!!
I want to ride my bike and be warm...and dry.  Please come now, spring.  PLEASE!!!!
It's freakin' cold outside.  Winter... I surrender.  Please go away now.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

The last week has been good at work.  Life in the library of an elementary school is very good.  Some days are productive, some are not so much.  Either way- it's always an adventure.

I haven't ridden my bike to work since last Friday.  Too early, too tired, too cold.  I need to get my sorry ass back in gear and get on my bike.  Problem is- the extra 40 minutes I get to sleep in come in SOOOOO handy some days (well, most days lately).  I think when it warms up I'll have a little more motivation to get out there and ride.  Sometimes it takes me as much time to put on all my layers of clothes as it does to actually ride to work.

Make today great!!

Sunday, February 21

I found my sign!

If there was ever a sign to describe me as a cyclist- this might just be it!  I've really never fallen very many times, but I am a little accident prone on a regular basis.  Even the little person in the picture is wearing a helmet.  Too funny!

Todays quote: 
If it becomes a chore- don't do it.  No sense in forcing yourself to do something that's supposed to be fun.  If it's not fun- find something else to make you happy.

Next weekend, I'm meeting my sister in Dallas.  I'm SO excited!  She's down there for 3 weeks of training.  I'm coming down to spend the weekend with her.  I've even talked her into going for a bike ride with me at White Rock Lake.  Bwaaaa haaaa haaaa (insert evil laugh here).  My plan is to get her on a bike and then she'll be hooked and want to buy a bike when she gets back home.  I have it all worked out in my little head.  I will bring as many people to biking as I can.  YES!

Today is dreary and rainy.  I should be running 6 miles, but I doubt that's going to happen.  I'm just feeling a little (LOT) lazy today.  Maybe,  just maybe I'll get off the couch some time today... maybe.

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 20

Long week...

Today's quote:
"The exciting thing about riding a bike in NYC is that you know HOW you're going to die- you just don't know when."  Said by some comedian on Comedy Central.  Made me laugh.  Sometimes truth is funny...

 Only commuted 2 days this week.  One day I had a doc appt that getting to by bike is difficult, and the other 2 days I drove I was just lazy.  No excuses.  I was so excited to be able to commute by bike again this week, and I just puttered out with the enthusiasm... 

Today I'd planned to ride to the farmer's market, but it's raining and since it's a very cold winter rain, I don't think getting out in it would be refreshing.  Oh well- maybe I'll put my big girl pants on one day and really ride all over- during all weather.

Found this picture, and I LOVE it!  This is a parking lot I can get on board with.

Now that's what I'm talking about!!!

Have a great weekend all!  Be happy; ride!

Saturday, February 13

Jury duty- DONE!

 Today's tip:
It doesn't matter if you're riding far, or just around the block.  Going by bike is healthy for the Earth, healthy for you, and it makes your bike very happy.  Whether for an hour or a minute- just ride!

Whew- that was a tough one.  I was selected for a jury involving trafficking and possession of meth and crack.  Good times.  Don't know that I was one of the defendant's peers, but I was somebody's peer in that courtroom. ;)  It was VERY interesting.  VERY!  They told us at the beginning that it's nothing like Law and Order, but I think it was EXACTLY like it!!!  Objections and sustaineds and overulings, and approaching the bench and whispering with the judge.  It was VERY interesting  (did I say that already?).  We had 2 guilty and one not guilty verdict.  I can live with my decision, but it was hard to come to a decision in the deliberation room.  It's not easy to get 12 people to be unanimous on anything.  What a great experience, tho.  I was happy to do it, and will gladly do it again if given the chance. 

Now back to the "real" world and my daily commute.  Being a cager for a week was not too much fun (makes me remember why I traded my job to be closer to home- highway traffic is horrible).

Bike- I missed you!

Sunday, February 7

I'm excited and bummed... hmmmm

Today's tip:
Get up just 15 minutes earlier than normal and hit the road for an extra loop around the neighborhood or an extra detour on the way to work.  Every little bit on your bike does not only YOU good, but Mother Nature appreciates your extra effort, too.

So tomorrow I report for:

I'm excited, don't get me wrong.  What bums me out is that I won't get to ride my bike all week.  Serving on jury duty is one of our responsibilities as a citizen, and it should be taken seriously.  I will gladly give up my commute for the week to drive downtown and serve my civic duty.  I'll really miss my bike, tho... A LOT!

 I wonder if I'll fit in with the court system??

Probably not if it looks like this --->
It's all good, tho.  I've never been called before and I consider it a privilege to serve my fellow citizens by sitting on a jury.  I really don't even know if I'll get chosen.  I'll just get to sit around for a day or two and see if they like me enough to keep me.  
Bike- I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until it's over.  If snow weren't foretasted for the week, I might consider riding.  Maybe it won't come and I'll get to ride downtown after all.  

Wish me luck...

Friday, February 5

It's true- I saw the sun today!

Today's tip:
Merino wool is your friend!  On a cold day, a few layers of thin merino wool will keep you toasty without all the bulk.  But don't be scared- wool isn't what your grandma used to wear.  Today's wool feels like silk and is just as thin. Wool socks, wool tights, wool undershirts- even wool underwear.  Give the new wool a try- you won't be disappointed.

Look what I saw this morning on my commute:

The mornings are getting lighter!!!  Alleluia!!!
I saw the morning's light beginning to break through the sky and I had to stop and get a picture.  It's a good thing when you realize that the days are getting longer and spring is just a hop, skip and jump away.

Of course the streets were still wet this morning, but that's OK.  It's what fenders are for.

And it's always a good thing to have plenty of lights to be seen- even tho the mornings are getting lighter and lighter and my need for lights is getting less and less.  WOO HOO!!!  Did I mention I'm happy that the days are getting longer.  I look forward to this time of year almost as much as I dread the time of year when the days get shorter.
Here is my rear rack and lights all lit up (while in motion- hence the blurriness).

Stopped by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some essential supplies.  Too bad I fought the wind the whole way. It was not pleasant, but not horrendous either.

Oh- and I DID see the sun today (around noon).  It shone bright, felt warm, and was such a nice treat.  Today was a good day.  It's Friday- so how can it be bad???

Thursday, February 4

Wet outside = great commute!

Today's tip:
Invest in a good rain gear. Spending a little more up front will pay dividends in the long run when you arrive at your destination dry and comfy. Don't let wet weather stop you from riding. Fenders, lights, and rain gear make the wet stuff just as enjoyable as the dry days.

The commute was dark and wet. And LOVELY!! I'm always amazed at how quiet the mornings are when I'm on my bike on the side streets. The sounds of the water hitting the fenders, the sounds of water rushing in the drains and the pitter patter of raindrops hitting your helmet. It's glorious! You'd be amazed at how much you can love the rain when you're being one with the environment. Plus, splashing through puddles as you pedal along makes you feel like a kid again.

Tomorrow is Friday... how I love thee so!!!

Wednesday, February 3

buh bye snow (for now)

I'm going to start every new entry with a commuting tip of the day. Since commuting and riding my bike to do errands is my latest focus- I'll start each blog with a tip.

Today's commuting tip:
Try this: drive to work on Monday and bring 4 work outfits with you (2 bottoms and 4 tops to mix and match). Ride the rest of the week to and from work. Eat, sleep, repeat.

Not close enough to work to ride? How about a bus/bike hybrid commute? How about driving partway to work and riding the rest of the way? How about driving to work one day, riding home and the next day ride to work and drive home. So many options.

The streets are breathing once again. *sigh* The snow has melted and we have dry streets... until tonight when it's supposed to rain and possibly snow a little. I hope to be on my bike in the morning and pedaling my way to work. It will be raining, but what's a little water when you have full fenders and some rain gear?

I got a really cute little Basil blossom messenger bag and a 30 year old Brooks saddle at a bike swap meet last night. Score!! I can't wait to try them out on my ride. The Brooks is old and worn- but most importantly: it's broken in. I've been wanting to try one, but don't want to drop $150 to *see* if I like it. Instead I dropped 10 and am thrilled to have the chance to try it out.
Here's my cute canvas Basil bag:

And my fabulous Brooks saddle. A little worse for the wear, but not so bad. Put some saddle soap on there and it cleaned it up and softened it up a lot. I'll report on the Brooks after I've had a chance to really try it out. I can't wait to take it for a spin.

Monday, February 1

What a great commute

Today's commute involved a little of this:

and a little of that:

Icy and snowy roads were the order of the day. I can't wait for it to melt so I can ride my bike. I miss it already- and it's only been 4 days...