Thursday, October 30

One day closer to Friday

Each day of the week that goes by brings me one day closer to the weekend. I live for the weekend.
Today I got home from work at a decent time and decided to hit the trails with Rian for a little mountain bike ride. I haven't ridden my mountain bike since early July, and I'm sure rusty on the trails. The trails we rode are laden with lots of roots and rocks. It's hard to stay upright on parts of the trail. Sure enough, I got bucked from my steed with force. I hit the ground HARD. Ouch. I hurt my foot, and have a giant bruise on my butt. The trails beat me up. It was fun, but painful. The pictures are from my ride. My bike likes to be in a lot of pictures. It gets neglected a lot, so when I stopped to take a picture or two, it demanded to be front and center. Can't say I blame it- it's a pretty bike. Towards the end of the ride, I stopped at a picnic table to rest for a minute. The weather was just perfect today and I was enjoying soaking up the sun and warmth for a bit.

Every day on the planet is a good day. I just keep reminding myself of that. :)

Wednesday, October 29

Another day in paradise

This week went by fast- like the speed of light. I don't know where it all went. Last thing I remember I was having dinner on Thursday night. Next thing I know it's Wednesday evening and I'm just now catching up. So much to tell (well, not really, but I feel better about my existence when I think things happen).

This entry is really about Tuesday. The day started off really clear. The first picture is of the Oklahoma River that I cross each morning. The sun is always peeking over the horizon (and blinding me something fierce) as I cross the bridge. I find it to be a sight I look forward to seeing. Work was... well, it was work. After work I had to kill some time before our triathlon club meeting, so I went to a local park near downtown to work on some school work and enjoy the outside. I sat on a bench and worked for a half hour. When I was done, I got up and walked around the park taking pictures. There was a teeny little waterfall that made the most beautiful noise, and a bridge that was just so strong against the fragility of the park. Then, I ambitiously went for a short run/walk. It was a beautiful afternoon. I reveled in the sunshine and really enjoyed the cool afternoon. I did some yoga on the grass and then headed to the meeting. The last picture is of the new highway retaining walls that they put along the highway heading downtown. They are quite pretty. Buffalo and birds (don't ask what kind). I love seeing the walls in the afternoon as I drive home (I take a different way to and from work to avoid the same scenery for my long drives).

It was a peaceful day. I've been trying to have more of those lately. I've been doing yoga, because I'm experiencing a ridiculous amount of stress at work. I will have to struggle through each day to make it to June. I hate to feel that way, because there are some good kids- but the trouble ones make it miserable for all of us. It's like nothing I've experienced before. You'd think that with all the years I've taught I'd be able to set the tone well. I've tried for 10 weeks and will try for another 26 weeks. I just hope my good kids will get the education that they deserve despite it all.
Hopefully it won't be so long until I write again. Ta ta.

Thursday, October 23

Get me alcohol- STAT!

Today was a day from hell. One too many irritating situations at school, and dealing with the world's most frustrating children. I'm supposed to love them all, but I don't. In fact, I find it hard to even communicate with some of them. Yes, I can dislike a child. If you spent one day in my room, you'd understand that it's not all that hard. It's already been a long year, and it's going to get a lot longer.

We went out to dinner and I ordered a really yummy enchilada dinner with a really yummy mudslide- heavy on the alcohol (see picture). Apparently they left the alcohol out. It didn't do the trick. I'm still on edge.

On the way home we drove by the lake on the way to get gas. There was the most beautiful sunset. I had to take a picture even tho it doesn't do the beauty justice.

THEN, we got to the gas station. Would you believe gas was $2.09????? WHAAAAAAAAT???? I almost passed out in sheer disbelief. I know it won't last long, but it sure was nice filling the car up for less than $35 dollars. Yippeee skippy!!!! I'm livin' large.

Going to go read now to escape from my life. I keep wanting to leave this place and move somewhere nicer and get a job doing something outdoorsy. I'd love to have my own campground somewhere. What a dream!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21

It's October: bring on the spooky fog

Ooooo spooky fog. I love spooky October fog... booooooooo

Today was a good day. Had a good day of learning with the kids, had a good drive to and from work, and I'm enjoying the last day of nice fall weather for a while. Tomorrow it's supposed to be really cold and rainy. December cold (that's what the forecaster said this morning: "look out for December-like weather). Yike-a-moondies! I think he's just trying to frighten me because it's October.

Nothing else new to write about. Today was one of those boring days of my life. But hey- any day is a good day here on this big blue planet.

Monday, October 20

Did you think I was abducted?

I haven't posted in a few days. That's either good because we went to Palo Duro and had a great weekend, or because Rian was sick and threw up all weekend. Judging from my furrowed brow- you can bet it's the latter. Twas not a fun few days in the Brown house. Rian was sick and subsequently Tanya was sick. I tried my best to not get sick. I even treated Rian like he had cooties. I Lysol'ed after every move he made and antibacterial wiped everything he touched. I still got it. Thankfully I didn't get it as bad, but STILL. That'll teach me to disenfect everything in the house. I suppose some germs can't be killed...

On a happier note, I got an ipod shuffle this weekend. You might be thinking "Welcome to this century, grandma." I've had MP3 players for a while, just not a handy dandy teeny tiny little clip on ipod. I have a 1st generation shuffle, but it's just not the same. I like my new toy. I couldn't find it for a day and was wondering where I'd misplaced it. Turns out Cookie had taken it and was jamming to my tunes (see picture where I caught her). Silly dog. OK, that's probably a little pathetic that I set my dog up like that. When you're sick, you'll find anything to entertain yourself. And yes, putting earphones on my deaf (yeah, she's deaf) and elderly dog is entertainment when you're sick.

The other picture has a somewhat funny story (funny being a relative term). We are always suspicious that stray neighborhood cats are getting into our courtyard because we often find things that are very felinesque. Today when I got home from work I saw the culprit hanging out on the pergola in the courtyard. Sneaky little kitty. It's a really good spot for catching birds, tho, as there are lots that hang out in that area. As long as she keeps the raccoons out, she can stay (we had a couple raccoons build a den in our courtyard last year). Just take your dead birds with you, little one...

Thursday, October 16

The virus is coming, the virus is coming!

Paul Revere may have shouted this in 1773, but it's doubtful. Therefore, I shouted it in the streets for him this afternoon. The virus is of the stomach variety. The carrier is Rian. Yikes! He was sick all afternoon. I hope it wasn't from food poisoning at IHOP this morning, but I guess we'll never know. We woke up late, had a late breakfast, ran some errands, then promptly came home for a much needed nap. Errands are tiring, and days off are wonderful things (I'm on Fall Break from school and he took the weekend off as well). After he woke from his nap he was feeling iffy. And then all H E double hockey sticks broke loose. Poor thing. And I'm really not the lovey mothering type. I just don't have much of a "I'm going to take care of you" bone in me. I try, but I'm not good at it (good thing I don't have kids- I'd be awarded the worst mother EVER trophy). I just come along behind with Lysol spray and Clorox wipes and wash my hands eleventy billion times in hopes that I won't catch it and become as miserable as he is.

We're supposed to travel to Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas panhandle tomorrow for a trail race on Saturday. I don't think that's going to happen now (imagine my very frowny face right now). I hope he'll feel better, but it's doubtful. I just hope he gets to feeling better very soon. Being sick is just about the worst thing ever, especially when you're married to the worst wife nurse in the world...

Wednesday, October 15

Someone's knocking at the door, somebody's ringing a bell...

Paul McCartney would tell you to open the door and let them in. I would advise you shut the door, lock it- heck- seal that puppy permanently until Spring if you must.

This is how my joke goes every year this time:

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"It's winter. Everybody down on the floor and nobody gets hurt... I mean it."

Ok- so not the best or funniest joke, but every year that dar gum season sneaks up on me and catches me off guard. Today was brrrrr cold. The first picture is what it really looked like outside. The second picture is how it really felt outside. Ok, not that cold, but you just know how I am when the temperature drops below 70.

I sat in front of the space heater for, oh I don't know, 7 hours today. Seems like it anyway.

Today was a good day. I had conferences in the morning (well, I didn't have any conferences, but I had to go into school anyway), and I played all afternoon. Got my allergy shot, did some shopping at the Thrift Store, etc... A good day. Today I actually stopped and looked around me. I drove through neighborhoods that I don't normally drive through. I looked at houses and their yards. I noticed the flowers, the trees, the essence of the community. It was so nice. The top picture is from my neighborhood. I never noticed the tree canopy that hangs over the street, and all the pretty leaves around. Sometimes I have to be reminded to stop and smell the roses, so to speak (sometimes literally).

A cold, restful night will begin soon. I'll probably sleep well.

Monday, October 13

A rainy day in the city

Today is gloomy and dreary. My Japanese maple that sits in our courtyard is quite happy about the rain (see picture- I think if you look close enough you can see it smiling as it's soaking up the precipitation). I suppose that's OK since it IS fall after all. Woke up to clouds, and it threatened rain all the live long day. When I left work it had stopped threatening and was full on raining.
On my way home I dedcided this was the perfect weather for running, so as soon as I got home I threw on some workout clothes and my running shoes and hit the road. Only a 25 min. run, but it felt so good. It was cool, drizzling and just a touch windy. The perfect running weather. Then I did my 100 push ups (ok- not 100 all at once, but it's a program I'm following to be able to do 100 all at once in 6 weeks:
Ahhhh... I love to run in the fall/winter.

School was good. We take our nine weeks tests today and tomorrow. Let's just say that so far I'm frightened for my job. :0 (oh no! Mr. Bill). It's not been good news so far. Then again, the first nine weeks are always hairy. The kids are just getting used to being back in school and using their brains again, and they are trying to get back into the mindset that they are supposed to be engaging their brain's deepest recesses on a daily basis. It's tough being 11 sometimes. :)

Tomorrow is a long day. Conferences from right after school until 7 pm. 10 years of teaching, and I still get nervous at every conference. Cross your fingers for wise words, productive conversations, and positive attitudes all around.

Sunday, October 12

Another lazy day

Today has been a day of lazing and enjoying. I'm feeling better today, and actually rode to the grocery store to do some shopping (see the pic of my bike with panniers loaded down with groceries?).

Woke up very late again (8:30 is what noon used to be when I was a teenager). I NEVER sleep past 7, so when I do, I know I'm either sick or just plain exhausted. We ate a leisurely breakfast, Rian went for a 10 mile run, and I went grocery shopping on my bike. I gave my bike a nice, thorough cleaning, and then shined him up just fine. I still haven't decided on a name for him yet. I'm hoping it'll come to me one day. All good companions need names, and my bikes are no different. My old road bike was named Oscar (because he's a grouch of a bike). My triathlon bike is named Artemis (for the Greek goddess who was so fast), and now my touring bike needs a name. Maybe he'll be called Addy, for all the adventures we'll have together. Hmmm... I'll need to think on that one and see which name suits him best.

As I arrived home from the store, I noticed some very pretty flowers in my flowerbed out front. I had to stop and take a picture of them. I love the contrast of the orange against the white bird bath and the dark fence. Then I noticed that the clouds were gathering in the sky, so I stopped to take a picture of them, too. Such beauty all around.

As for the rest of the day, I don't know what we'll do. I imagine I'll spend some time online, read a little of my latest book Roll Around Heaven All Day: A piecemeal journey across Amercia. It's about a man in his fifites who rides across country one part at a time, each time with different companions. It's a good read so far. It lets me live out my dream of riding across the country one day. One day I'll do it... just wait and see.

Here's to Sunday (cheers). Jeers to Monday tomorrow morning. :)

Saturday, October 11

Ahhhh... the life of dogs

So I decided that in my next life I want to be a dog. Why a dog? Why not! Dogs have the best life. They are fed regularly without any prep or clean up involved. It's a simple diet so as to not tickle the tastebuds with varying degrees of deliciousness. They lay around all day in the sun and rest, without fear of judegment from others on the intentions of their laziness. They are loved, petted, brushed and given vaccinations to insure good health. No worries of work or time constraints. Oh, to be a dog.

As you may be able to tell from my ramblings of a dog's life- I have not done much today. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, and have yet to change out of my pj's (and it's embarrassing to admit it's nearly 2 pm). I may head to the store in a bit to buy some more dog food for the beasts. That's about all that I'll accomplish today. Such is life when you're a bum like me...

Friday, October 10


Thank goodness I made it to Friday! Only 2 very long days next week, then a four day weekend for Fall Break (yes- it's a silly, silly excuse for a break, but I'm not going to complain about it). I have parent-teacher conferences next week. I dread them every year, and not because I don't like sitting down with parents, but because the day is so dreadfully long. I teach all day then immediately conference after school for 4 long hours. It's quite the day. By the end I'm a mush-mouth who cannot utter a single coherent phrase. My last conferences must think I'm an idiot, but at that point I really don't care, so I let them think what they will.

I neglected to mention earlier in the week that I decided to cut my hair this week. Big deal, right? WRONG! Let me say that again: I (picture me with scissors) decided to cut MY OWN HAIR. Sure, it was risky. And probably a little stupid. And maybe not wisest choice. What the heck- it's only hair and if I screwed up too bad, I could always go and get it cut right. I cut about 2 inches off using my bike rearview mirror that I use when I cycle (it attaches to my glasses so I can see what's behind me). My hair actually turned out very cute (see picture- just don't look at all the gray hair I'm getting). I even cut some layers into it today. Not bad for an amateur (pssst: don't tell my hairdresser). In fact, I got so many compliments on my hair that everyone was shocked that I did it myself. The reality of the matter is that I'm just too dang cheap to spend the money to have someone do something that I'm never pleased with in the end anyway.

Come to think of it, I'm going to have to have carpal tunnel surgery soon, and I'm getting so good at DIY, that I think I'm going to do the surgery myself. On second thought... I guess some things are better left to the professionals.

Thursday, October 9

Hmmm...the flu? Probably not.

So much for feeling good for a week straight. Seems lately I feel good for a few days, then sick for a couple. It's a neverending cycle. I think my coworkers must think I'm a hypochondriac. I'm sick all the time. I think it's just work that makes me sick. Enough said.
Today I woke up feeling terrible. I had to go in because it's the end of the first quarter, and kids need to be prepped for the tests that occur quarterly (and we all know how important these ridiculous tests are).
Went in, taught, sat down a lot, came home, ate an unhealthy dinner, and I'm finished for the day.
I did get some valuable dog petting in (can't go a day without some dog-lovin'). I also enjoyed a beautiful sunrise this morning. It was the most beautiful orange/red color, and filled the sky with a warmth that made me smile- even tho it was quite blinding and nearly damaged my retinas permanently. It was worth it.
No pictures today, just words. Too bad for you.
Later, gator.

Tuesday, October 7

Just another ordinary day

Today was mostly uneventful.

Drive to work and fight traffic, play Kindergarten Cop (but not the funny, humorous version like in the movie- the mean and militant version that maintains control of my group of kiddos), drive home and fight traffic, run errands, work out, feed dogs, cook dinner, and watch the debate. See- my life IS as boring as you thought it was. I'm just glad that every day of work brings me one day closer to the weekend. Life is good.

I hit the pool for the first time in over a month. It always feels good to swim, and I sometimes forget that. The smoothness of the water and the ease with which I glide through the pool is comforting and relaxing. It feels so great to be in the water. Water is life, and it cannot exist without it. Being in the pool is like being the most basic element you can be. It's connecting with nature.

It's late, I'm tired, and I'm headed for bed.

Nighty night.

Monday, October 6

Happy 35th, Tanya

Well today I turned 35. Woo hoo! Getting older is pretty nice. I figured out that the older you get, the less you care about what others think and the more direct and fiesty you get. I think it suits me just fine. I've also figured out that the older I get, the less patience I have. That one may not be so good. :)

Today was a good day, although it started out rainy and dreary. My morning commute usually takes about 40 minutes. Today it took an hour because I got stopped by a long, but quickly moving train (see picture), and people somehow forget how to drive when it's wet (which induces much honking and curse words from me- see: it's the less patience thing and getting old).

School was good with my kiddos. They were very well behaved today, which was a wonderful present (and they didn't even know it was my birthday). My teaching partners baked a cake and we all had a treat on our planning period. Then, when I arrived home, I was greeted with 3 wonderful things: flowers from Rian, a birthday card from Mom (Phyllis) and a phone message from Mom (Maureen). What a wonderful way to end the day! I plan on sitting around and reading my three new books that I bought and enjoying a quiet evening. We should have some more showers this evening, so it looks like we'll be all cuddly and snuggled inside.

Another Monday down, only... well, lots more to go until the end of the year. :)

Sunday, October 5

A relaxing Sunday afternoon

Today was a day of relaxing (for me at least). Rian got up early and logged an 8 mile run. I, on the other hand, logged some serious TV time by watching Meet the Press, The Chris Matthews show, and other political mumbo jumbo. I didn't get out of my pajamas until well after noon.

Today our club had a picnic. It's nearing the end of the season, so we had a picnic at Lake Overholser. It was great seeing friends, socializing, feeding ducks, and enjoying the afternoon. Too bad the wind was blowing at near 30 mph. Such is life in Oklahoma- "where the winds come sweeping down the plain..."

The pictures are of the ducks at the pond near the picnic area, the group socializing (Rian is in the red shirt with his back toward the camera with the green hat on), and of a friend's little girl feeding the ducks. Did you know ducks are cute from afar, but become rabid little beasts upon feeding and the subsequent stoppage of said feeding? They can be quite grumpy when the gravy train stops.

It was a good day. The sun is now setting, and evening is here. I'm sad the weekend has come and gone, as it means I have to go back to work. I'm glad Fall Break is right around the corner.

See ya later, gators.
(if you click on any of the pictures, they'll enlarge)

Saturday, October 4

OKC Race for the Cure

Today some friends and I decided to ride our bikes downtown to do the Race for the Cure. I love being a part of this event, since it hits close to home. We met at Lake Hefner at 7 a.m. (still quite dark), and started riding downtown. It's about 13 easy miles, but today a strong 20 mph headwind decided to come along for the ride. Bah!
We arrived just as the race was starting, and had to quickly lock up our bikes. We headed out and had a wonderful time. There were soooo many people there (almost 10,000). Afterward, we somehow all managed to find each other and headed to our bikes for the return trip home. My crank (the arms of the pedals on my bike) were making a terrible noise on the way downtown, so I opted to ride home with the wife of one of the men I rode with instead of risking a mechanical issue on the return trip. Turns out I wasn't feeling very well either at that point. The pictures are of the pink ribbon caribiners given away, and the roses at the finish line given away to the survivors who raced.

Upon arriving home, I spotted a small turtle in our driveway. We see lots of squirrels, mice and even raccoons, but never many turtles. I picked him up and set him in the flower bed for some nice grazing. I like to think he appreciated it, but the angry teeth and shyness told me otherwise.
Tonight we're headed out to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner with Rian's parents.

It was a great day. I had a lot of fun on the ride, at the race, and I very much enjoyed the beautiful weather. Thank goodness October is here!