Sunday, December 12

First frigid run of the winter season

Kona and I headed to Bluff Creek trails today to get some trail time in.  We (well, me) tried running, but the frigid air just burned my lungs to the point that I had to walk.  It was 20 degrees with a wind chill of 9 (and gusts of 22mph) when I left the house. Thankfully, the trails protect you from most of the wind, and it wasn't too bad once we got moving.  
Kona having fun exploring

Kona did a great job today on the trails.  She still struggles to stay out from under my feet when I'm moving, but she's learning.  For the first 2 miles she hardly stayed on the trail at all- darting back and forth from one side to the next smelling anything and everything she could; just taking it all in. She really loved watching the birds and taking off after them.

Taking a time out
We pretty much had the trail to ourselves.  We didn't encounter another person until we were almost done.  After about 2 miles Kona slowed to a walking pace and petty much stayed right by my side for the rest of the trail.  We stopped a couple times to let her catch her breath and to make sure that she was doing OK (and not getting ready to have a seizure).
Found a squirrel tail- and Kona kept picking it up to play with it.  Yuck!

By the time we hit the last section of the trail, the sun was out in full force and it was beginning to warm.  The sun felt good on my skin, and because we were heading mostly south- the strong wind (although somewhat protected from the trees) was at our back.
As we headed out of the trail on the newly cut, yet not quite open final section of the trail, I noticed that someone's driver side window was down.  I thought to myself "why would you leave your window down?"  Upon closer inspection, I discovered that someone had smashed the window of a car parked near mine.  Thieves just suck!
Someone will return from their run to find an unwelcome surprise
It was a great day on the trails.  Once home I jumped in the hot tub for a nice, long soak in the steaming water.  It felt amazing!!!!
Another successful day outside.   Although the weather is not acceptable most days during the winter, this wasn't quite so bad.

Saturday, December 4

run dog run

Took Jimbo (the golden retriever) to Bluff creek earlier this week for a little run.
I'm horribly embarrassed to say that my dog is a jerk.  A really big jerk.  Oh sure, he's sweet at home, but take him out in public and he's a First Class A-Hole. He growls at strangers, snaps at dogs and snarls and bares his angry teeth if anyone or anything comes near him. It's so embarrassing.  I almost hate taking him out.  But I did.

 Jimbo leading the way

We went to Bluff Creek trails to do a short run.  He is really a fantastic trail dog.  Follows the trails perfectly.  Turns where he should.  Doesn't run too far ahead.  Stays out from under my feet.  I actually love to run with him.  I just need to do it when there is no other life forms anywhere near the trail system for us to have a successful adventure.

Good dog- follow that trail

We mostly ran, but stopped to take some sniff breaks and get off the trail as mountain bikers came flying by.  Just after this picture was taken, we saw a deer up ahead.  I didn't have him on the leash at the time, and suddenly became very worried that the retriever in him would be retrieving a deer for mommy to have.  I needn't have worried, though.  He stopped, sniffed, looked back at me, then just keep on going. 

We even stopped for a picture together- he was not too thrilled

All in all, it was a grand adventure.  I would love to take him out more often, but he really needs to be socialized better before I will to be completely comfortable taking him out in public.  Until then, we'll just stick to the path less traveled.