Thursday, April 29

Garden update

My garden has been growing rather nicely!!  The tomato plants are almost dead (too much rain??? too much sun???), but the others are doing well.  The seeds (potato, onion and cucumber) and doing FANTASTIC!!!  I think next year I just might go with all seeds instead of already grown plants.  I can't wait to do some harvesting!!

After the garden tour, I went around the yard to check on some of the other plantings I have.  We planted a new, baby Colorado cedar tree last year, and it didn't look like it was doing too well.  Surprise, surprise- it has LOTS of new growth.  Yippee- it survived the coldest winter we've had in years.  Well it should, it IS from Colorado after all...

Then I found a beautiful flower.  I don't know what it is, but it's so pretty.  The camera makes it look blue, but the color was a much richer purple.  I wish the camera hadn't changed the way it looks...

I checked in our our cacti we have growing.  I'm always amazed that our cacti survive the harsh winters we have, yet every year they continue to grow and produce some spectacular variations in our garden landscape.  I've learned to keep my distance from the cacti, after having been "spined" many a time (even with exhaustive precautions).  I sure do love to look- but don't love to touch. 

Even though I had to take about 60 extra pictures to get the plants to hold still int he 40 mph winds, it was fun spending some time in the garden with my plants.  I truly love to see them, talk to them, and be a part of their environment.  The bites I'm currently scratching will stop itching soon... but it's totally worth it!!

Sunday, April 25

OKC Memorial Marathon 2010

It was a great day to run a half marathon.   I'm going to use the word "run" with caution here.  I walked a LOT, and ran a little.  I was doing 3 min. run with 2 min. walk for the first 8 miles.  Then I flipped it to walk more.  For the last 3 miles I had to walk.  My upper inner thighs were cramping big-time and I couldn't run without cramps.  It was awesome!!  No matter- I had a great time!!  I talked to a lot of people, I stopped and petted some cute dogs and I thanked EVERY volunteer that I could.
It was a glorious day.  Some races are for running and getting a PR (personal record), some races are for testing your mettle, but this one was for remembering.  Some races are about the journey.  I enjoyed the journey.  I read the names of those who died down Classen avenue (there are banners every few light poles listing the names of the 168 lives lost on April 19th).  It's always emotional.
The upside is that 22,000 people in OKC were active and healthy today.  That's a good thing!
Here are some pics from along the way:
Here's Rian and I before the start

I stood next to a man at the start who was carrying a HUGE American flag.  He ran with it the whole marathon (26.2 miles).  What a guy!
On Mickey Mantle Drive right past the AAA baseball stadium. 
Heading up a big bridge- the first hill of the day.

Taken by a kind man who was standing on the railing of the bridge.
Look at the sea of people.
Coming up on the state capitol building.  Around mile 3.
People running and having a great time!
These are the banners along the course that have the names of each of the 168 victims on them.  
Each person gets a banner. They are very inspiring, and very sad.
(photo above courtesy of Kin Photography)

Coming down Classen Ave. with a sweet tailwind.  Around mile 11.
At last:  the finish line!

(photo above courtesy of Kin Photography)

Whoopee!!!  A happy girl after her finish.
It hurt a LOT (because I hadn't trained properly), and it took a long time, 
but I loved every minute of it!!

Catching up with Rian after he finished his full marathon.  He's kinda salty, doncha think?
The worst part of a long run: the ice bath afterward.  It hurts like hell, but we're never sore after
we do it.  It REALLY helps keep the muscles from being sore.  
It's torture that feels so good after it's done.

The marathon medals are pretty neat.  This year they changed the design.  I like it, but it's different.  I'll get a picture of that up soon.
It was a great day to run.  So glad I did it.  So glad it's for a greater cause.  So glad we get to remember those who we lost.  We will NEVER forget when we have this Run to Remember!

Saturday, April 24

It's marathon time!!!

The week began with some sadness as we remembered the anniversary of April 19th.  That sadness has given way to happiness and excitement as the Marathon is tomorrow.  I'm super excited (and more than a bit nervous).  I'm doing the half marathon- the hubs is doing the full.  My training has NOT been what it should have been, but it'll be OK.  It's going to hurt and it's going to take a long time, but it'll be OK.  It might take me as long as it took me to do my first marathon, but as long as I can put my ego aside and just have a good time- it'll all be OK. 
I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm anxious, I'm ready to go...

Bring it, OKC!!

Wednesday, April 21

Love your mother!

Mother Earth, that is (well, you should love your human mother, too).

"You can tell how high a society is by how much of its garbage is recycled."
- Tahanie

Tomorrow is Earth Day.  Woo hoo!!!!  Yippee!!!!
This is my favorite day of the year (well, one of the favorites, anyway). 
The day when everyone stops to think of the planet.  Even if for only one day, it seems like it's progress.  I just with the other 364 days were Earth Day, too.

Tomorrow I'm hosting a Book Swap at school.  If kids bring a book, they get to take a book home.  It's a way to recycle the books they have at home that they no longer read, and it's a great way to recycle and get new things to read. 
I stole the idea from another librarian.  Like all good ideas, this one is "borrowed."  Or... you could say  that this idea is *recycled*.

So, Earth, enjoy the love for one day.  Hopefully it will inspire more and more change.  I cross my fingers every day and say prayers that our lifestyle in America will change and we'll treat the planet with more care.

Until then:

Monday, April 19

It was long ago, yet it seems like only yesterday...

From great tragedy comes great solace

15 years ago the day started with this
It was unthinkable, incomprehensible, say it was tragic is an understatement.
 Jesus wept along with us.

Time heals all wounds.  Maybe not completely.  Maybe there are still scars.  But the wounds slowly begin to heal. The hurt is still there.  It just hurts a little less than the day before.

A tree survived the blast.  An American Elm.  It was burned, it was broken, it was scarred.  But it survived... like most of us.  It is the survivor tree.  It symbolizes the spirit of the Memorial.  It symbolizes our spirit. We will survive.

We built a memorial to remember those lost, those who survived and those changed forever.

   A place of peace.
  A place of comfort.
   A place of healing.
A place to remember.

We go on.  We run in the Memorial Marathon because we remember and honor those lost.  We run because we can.  We keep their memories alive.  We should never forget.  EVER.

 We search for the truth
We seek Justice
The courts require it
The victims cry for it
and God demands it

Sunday, April 18

Water logged

I love to ride in the rain.
When it's a warm rain.
When it's sunny.

Today was not that kind of day.
But I did it anyway.

I couldn't stand the thought of sitting on the trainer for 2 hours, so I put on my wool base layers and rain gear and headed out for a 2 hour tour... a 2 hour tour.
         The weather started getting rough, the tiny bike was tossed.
         If not for the courage of the fearless T, the Friday would be lost.
         The Friday would be lost.
         The bike ended up on the doorstep of
         This big ol' run down house...

I could go on, but I shouldn't.  I make up alternative lyrics all the time to familiar songs.  Some are winners... some not so much!  This one... not so much.  Gotta love some Gilligan's Island, tho.

It was a *very* wet, *very* cold 21 miles at the lake.  The first loop wasn't so bad.  The second loop was tougher.  I was getting colder.  I had really hoped that I could do 30, but the shivers were starting to set in and I needed to get inside.  Luckily, the hubs had the hot tub roaring and ready to go so when I arrived home I de-robed, jumped in the tub, and warmed right back up!  Good times.

You know what the worst part of the ride was?  Splashing through puddles?  Heck no- that was fun! 
The worst part was running over all the earthworms on the trail.  They were EVERYWHERE.  I tried to avoid the first few, but it became fruitless after a while.  Poor little worms- I didn't mean to cause you harm.

I checked on the garden today.  Looks good!!  It's been raining for 3 days so I was afraid that there might be some drowned plants, but everything looked good.  More onion and cucumber sprouts have appeared.  My strawberry plant is looking kinda sad, as are the tomato plants.  Crossing fingers that they rally soon.  I can't wait to eat some fresh food from the garden.

Another work week begins tomorrow.  "Everybody's workin' for the weekend,"  and I'm no exception.  C'mon Friday.

Saturday, April 17

Blame it on the rain....
You can blame it on the rain
Cos the rain don't mind
And the rain don't care
You got to blame it on something
(Blame it on the rain)
(Blame it on the stars)
Whatever you do don't put the blame on you
Blame it on the rain yeah, yeah
 The rain's getting the blame here, that's for darn sure.  I would have ridden, I would have been outside, I would have been... whatever.

I blame the rain for my sinuses, for keeping me indoors, for making me sleep unilt 9:45 (that's unheard of for me), etc, etc...
I tried riding the trainer today.  Lasted about 5 minutes and then I was so tired I stopped and took a 2 hour nap.   I would have been outside, but my sinuses are just acting up like crazy.

I mean- cut me some slack Mother Earth.  I ride my bike, I recycle, I planted a garden, I compost, I conserve water, I try to protect you whenever I can.  Cut a brotha some slack, will ya?   I mean really- just let my head have some relief... egads!

I plan on riding my bike tomorrow.  I'll just wear my rain gear... and then some.

Wednesday, April 14

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced"
- Kierkegaard

Well it was a great day to be alive.  Seems the weather was quite cooperative, the kids at school didn't make me reach for a bottle of Jack Daniels by 3:30, and traffic was kind on the road today.  Nothing to complain about- and that's a beautiful thing!

Visited my garden today and guess what I found? 

Yup- those are teeny tiny little cucumber and onion plants making their way into the world.  Come on out, little ones- and jump in my belly!!!  Success #1:  getting seeds to germinate.  Success #2 will come if they don't die before entering plant adolescence.  Success#3 will be when they bear fruit and I get to eat them for dinner.  Let's hope we see #2 and #3. 

Whilst playing in the garden, I enjoyed some puppy time. 

Three little pups were very interested in what I was doing in the garden.  They have been banned (with the assistance of some chicken wire) from entering the sacred garden area.  They were veeery interested in the goings on in the garden.  My little tomato plants are looking like they are dying.  They are turning brown and their leaves are starting to waste away.  I hope they can hang on.  I did have a strawberry starting to grow, but it died and shriveled up. Bummer!  It was only as big as a pill bug, so it's not like it would have fed me for a meal anyway. 

And here's a picture of my Japanese maple in the sun- with the red leaves that see the most sun bright red and afire.  Isn't she a beaut?

All in all a great day.  And the best part?  It's more than half over by now.  We're on the downhill slide... woot!

Monday, April 12

Garden night shots- and how I saved the planet today

Am I the only one who likes to see my garden at night?  I'm guessing I'm not alone.   Especially in spring- I love to see the plants/flowers/trees in bloom in the night air.
Of course, I love my Japanese maple tree the very most (shhh: don't tell the others).  The maple is just so... pretty.  I like the pretty things.  Here are some night shots of the maple.

The leaves have just turned a fiery red this weekend.  I love how the tree goes from barely budding, to green leaves to bright red fire leaves in less than a week.  Amazing!

Like a mother who loves one child more than the others (no... that doesn't happen...), I turn to my Japanese maple with loving glances and a smile in my heart.  You're so pretty, aren't you???

And now: what I did today to save the planet:
 I became my dad today.
Did I get a sex change?  Nope.
I bought cotton handkerchiefs.  Yes, those disgusting snot rags that dad used to pull out of his pocket now adorn my living room where boxes of Kleenex used to live. 
I have decided that I waste FAR too many tissues (and resources) with the amount of Kleenex I use.  Especially this time of year.  It's not fair to the landfill to fill it up with all my mucus. I will try this and see how it does.  I bought a package of 13 so I have enough to last a couple days before washing.  I feel better about not wasting paper resources, and it doesn't gross me out like I thought it would.  I won't use them in public, tho.  I still think they are disgusting to use in front of others. 

Oh, and would you like to know what else I did today?  If reading about at woman's cycle will gross you out- turn away.  NOW!  Run away ASAP!


If you are a woman- you may proceed...

Today, in my quest for becoming more Earth friendly- I purchased something that will revolutionize the way you deal with your period. No more filling landfills with disgusting feminine hygeine products.  No more wasting money on throw away solutions.
Are you ready?
Huh?  Well...

da da da da....
The Diva Cup:
It's a menstrual cup.  It takes the place of tampons and pads.  If you are intruigued and want to learn more- head to this site:
If you will be horrified at what you might learn about this ancient Chinese secret of menstrual regulation, then definitely don't go to this site:

I've been reading a lot about these lately.  In an effort to become more eco-friendly and to not harm my body with traditional hygiene products  that carry a risk of TSS, suck fluids from your insides (causing unnecessary uncomfortable dryness) and other such nonsense- I've decided to try this to see how it works.  It cost only $32.50.  If it doesn't work, I've only wasted what I would have spent in about 6 months worth of regular products.  If it does work- then I've found a much more earth friendly alternative to dealing with my period.  I'll keep you posted. 

Sorry if this is TMI- but most of us are women here.  It's something we all have to deal with.  I'm just trying to find a more eco-friendly way to deal with it, that's all.

Sunday, April 11

Damn- I blew it this week

Confession time:
My name is T-Bone.  I'm a food addict. 
I try to eat well. 
I try. 
Some days I do well. 
Some days I'm the fat kid who is stuffing the entire box of Oreos into my mouth underneath the covers before my mom notices they're gone (nooo... I never did that as a kid..............we had generic Oreos).

This week was BAD.  I ate all the things I swore off when I began to eat organically.  And I ate meat.  I had a hamburger (well, half because it oooged me out while I was eating it), pizza, chips and queso, Taco Bell... the list goes on.  I ate like  CRAP!  And you know what?  I feel like CRAP because of it.
I've got to get back on track.  I feel sluggish, slow, bloated, and sick to my stomach. BOO! :(

I did a 5 mile run today (should have been 10).  It was hot.  I was not feeling right from a week of eating like crap.  It was incredibly tough.  I gave up halfway.  I took an ice bath.  I skipped lunch.  I'm resting now.  This half marathon is going to be tough.  I've run 6 marathons (including my Ironman), but this half just might kill me. Oh well...

Back on the wagon.  Fresh fruits and veggies;  mama's comin' back!

organic egg, slice of cheese and half an avacado
sushi, watermelon and raspberries.  and a spoonful of Nutella.

OMG- eating good food tastes SO amazing!!!

Saturday, April 10

ooo ooooo oooo- new saddle!

I got a new saddle.  A Brooks B18.  I can't wait to start the breaking in!!!  I will commute with it every day this week.  I'm waiting on a shim so I can use it on the commuter and the Bike Friday (the bike that will ride in Freewheel).  For the time being, I will ride the saddle on the commuter bike this week to work.  I'm SOOO excited.  I hope my butt is as excited as I am!
Here she is:
heh?  heh?  Pretty sweet, eh?  I conditioned it on Friday, and mounted it on the commuter.  I plan on taking her to the store or library today for a short errand run.  I'll be sure to ride her to work every day this week.  C'mon butt cheeks- break it in STAT!  Work your magic, gluteus maximus!

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
And when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough
Cuz you noticed that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me 

Yup- this baby's got back!

My garden is doing alright.  Had to cover it up on Thursday night with a blanket because the temperatures dropped to about 38.  I tucked them in nicely and told them everything was going to be OK.  I suppose they listened, because they seem to have made it through the frost OK.  No delicious fruits/veggies yet- but it's only been a few days.  Harvest time is about 45-70 days, so I've got some time to wait... and I hate to wait.

Tuesday, April 6

I did it- I'm growing a garden!!!

Today's quote:
"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children"
- Kenyan Proverb
So after 3 years of saying I'm going to do it- I finally bit the bullet and started a garden.  We've got an acre for pete's sake- there's no excuse to not grow my own food.
I have decided to have an all organic garden.  No pesticides, no pesticidiy soil, etc. I want to buy some ladybugs to put in the garden, and even some bees wouldn't be too bad.

So here is the garden layout:
2 tomato plants, one lettuce plant, one strawberry plant, one banana pepper plant, cucumbers and potatoes.

I hope I get to harvest at least ONE thing.  I'm not exactly a green thumb, so we'll see how this turns out.  I can't wait to eat my own veggies!!!!  I need to find some organic carrot seeds.  I'm going to add another bed this afternoon.  MORE GARDEN!!!

Added another smaller bed!  I planted seeds in that one:  cucumbers, onions and potatoes.  I hope they all grow!!!

Sunday, April 4

That's some good hiking!

Miles hiked today: 9 with a 20 lb pack

Today's quote:
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."
Short and funny quote by, Anonymous.

 Today was a great day.  Managed to get in an 9 mile hike with a loaded pack.  Walked down to the mtn. biking trails, walked the trails, then walked back home.  The wind was INSANE, but while in the trees, I didn't feel a thing.  It was a glorious day for being outside.  The sun was shining, the animals were out playing, saw a little baby black snake, and the trees were blooming.  It was so GREAT!!!

Drove to Meeker to have some Easter Sunday lunch with the hubs family.  Like usual, I brought my own food.  I made an all organic salad (beans, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, sunflower seeds) and brought some fruit.  Yum!  Brought my organic soda to drink.  I also made an organic chocolate cake with Nutella icing and had some of that.  The rest of the fam ate pot roast, scalloped potatoes, and green beans and corn.  Food is SUCH a big temptress for me, I find it hard to resist.  I wound up eating a dinner roll with my salad.  Oh well. If I can eat well 80% of the time, the other 20% shouldn't matter too much.

Warning:  rant coming on.
Gotta tell ya this, tho.  I've been fat for most of my adult life, and was really thin for about 3 years.  I had a hell of a better time when I was thin.  My brother in law's girlfriend is someone I'd like to choke.  I'm so jealous.  She's 5'6, about a size 0, eats like a cow (doesn't watch her calories) and never works out.  UGH!!  I try to watch what I eat, work out, and am STILL 30 lbs overweight.  I HATE women like that.  I work my ass off most of the time, and I'm still fat.  The only reason I'm not the 800 lb woman is because I watch what I eat and work out.  If I stopped doing either one, I'd be a big ol' fattie.  She's been scrawny and skinny her whole life.  And don't tell me that skinny people have issues too because I'm not buying that BS.  Trust me, the world is A LOT kinder to skinny people than fat people.  I've been both.  I know.

Anyway- rant over.  Time to get in the hot tub and relax.  And look at my big fat gut...

Saturday, April 3

Change of plans...

Didn't quite make it out of my pajamas in time to hit the farmer's market... oh well.  I had fun lounging around in my jammies until noon.

So today I wound up going for an hour and a half bike ride at Lake Hefner.  The wind was crazy (sustained at 25, gusting to 35).  I was wiped out after that short, 16 mile ride.   Felt like I'd ridden 100.
The sailboats were out on the water.  I love them so much.
Check out the V bird formation in the bottom picture.  Pretty cool!

Because the wind was so "good" today, the kite surfers were also out.  They catch some serious air out there on the lake.  I tried to get an action shot in the air, but kept missing them.  I'm impressed with how they handle the wind and move so freely over the water.

I made it home, pretending that I'd cycled the 16 miles to Arcadia lake and set up my tent in the backyard.  If I can't really go camp anywhere, I'll pretend like I'm camping somewhere.  The tent was really difficult to set up this time.  Last time it wasn't so bad.  I guess I need more practice... 
I *really* like the tent.  I won the tent in a contest, and had to buy the rainfly.  I really like the double door entry because I can get a good cross-breeze blowing while still having the rainfly on and keeping some privacy. That was lacking with my old tent (front entrance).  I would be stifling hot inside when I'd take a nap after arriving in camp for the afternoon.  
I set up the Big Agnes air mattress and took a little 20 min. nap.  If I could keep from sniffling so much, it might not be so bad.  I came inside to have a break from the allergies and to type up this post.  I'll head back outside around 8 (after I let the next door neighbor's dogs inside for the night).  I'll wake up tomorrow, put my big backpack on, and walk down to Bluff Creek, walk the trails, then come back home.  Should be about a 9.5 mile trip.  Hubs will be running 24 tomorrow, so I need to do something anyway. ;)  Plus, I have a half marathon in 3 weeks so I need to get close to 10 miles in. 
More later... I know you can't wait.