Wednesday, June 30

A two hour tour...

Today I went exploring on roads I'd never ridden on before (well most of them).  I've ridden in the area, but had never traveled this way before. I left from the Lake Arcadia project office and headed towards Luther.   I knew the general direction I was heading, but didn't have a map (looked at the gazetteer closely last night).   I'll let the pictures tell the story.  There's a LOT of them- grab your popcorn now- or just scroll to the bottom and get it over with.

I love Oklahoma windmills
so I get to this intersection- the map shows the road continues 2 more miles
but this is what the road looks like... um, I don't think so.  Guess I'll head north
Uh- I thought the first rule of Fight Club was not to talk about Fight Club.
I certainly don't think advertising where your Fight Club is located is allowed.
I think all stop signs should be changed to this
well somebody stole the street sign so I'm not sure if this is the right street to turn on or not.
It's close to where I need to turn,  so I take a chance and head north.
a mile later I realize I made a mistake.  I should be one more mile over.  
I'm running really low on water, but backtracking to get to Luther is 4 miles.  
If I turn around now I can be at Pops in 7 miles.  There might not even be a c-store in Luther.  
What to do.  What to do?  
I'm certainly NOT riding on Rt. 66 for the mile or so to get to Luther.  
That road is narrow and VERY busy.
I decide to turn around and head to Pops.  While climbing up this really tough hill, I'm rewarded for my slow ascent.  $.60 for the found money jar.  Woo hoo!
A mile later I see this
I take a chance and head down the road.  Most of the time a bike can get around it, but a car can't.  A mistake here means adding more time to the ride and my water supply is getting scary low...
Yup- the road was passable for me.  That's one big hole!

I *LOVE* closed roads- I can ride all over like a crazy person. 
So I'm flying along (well, crawling) and I hear a loud roaring noise to my right.  
I know there's a creek there, but it sounds like rushing rapids.  Like Grand Canyon rapids loud.  
What is causing that?  I see a little footpath so decide to take it and see where it goes.
Wow!  This is very cool!!! What a reward for a little exploring.  It's beautiful (well, except for the redneck trash left behind).
Passed a beautiful tree farm.  
I wanted to go pick some trees out and strap them to the bike to take home.
And right on Rt. 66 there is this neat historical marker.  I had no idea! 
Finally!  POPS!!!  Cream Soda= sugary goodness!!
The bike and I take a little break and enjoy looking at the beautiful sky.
Uh oh- another road closed sign.  No worries- again I was able to sneak by.  
The nice construction worker told me to go by, but to be careful.  Thanks, man!
After the ride- glad to have had a problem-free and exciting adventure.

Tuesday, June 29

Let's take a little tour...

...of my yard.  I haven't been outside in a few days to check on the yard/garden so I thought I'd see how the yard is doing tonight.
First place I visited was the garden to check on what is left of my veggies (after the hailstorm in May).
Look:  a cucumber!
and a sweet pepper
the cute little flowers that make me cucumbers
After some weeding and watering, I ventured over to the hubs to see what the prognosis is on the lawn mower (seems to be having some blade trouble).

looked like the dogs were keeping him good company

Oh, and check out the free pond liner I acquired.

 Funny story:  it was big junk day and we put a couch out that we wanted to get rid of- knowing that people usually drive around and take things that look good.  The next morning we go outside to see that our couch has been taken, and in its place somebody left a pond liner.  Strange, but good for me.  I've been wanting a pond in my courtyard but didn't want to buy one.  Score!

Back to the tour.

I headed to the front yard to check on the flowerbeds.  The hosta that was beaten by the hail has survived (albeit with chunks missing), and it is flowering.  It's flowers are just gorgeous.
hosta flowers
Next to the hosta is my favorite ornamental grass.  It's striped.  It makes me smile.
Then I checked on the cactus garden.  Lookin' good.
Then to the pretty flowering bushes that I trim into trees (don't know their name- sorry)

Then I decided I needed to swing in the hammock for a little while.  Not because I worked hard all day and needed the rest.  Not because I deserved to put my feet up.  But just because...

metal artwork in the courtyard
R's bike patiently waiting to be ridden to the pool for a swim

And after 5 minutes of swinging and about a hundred bug bites- I went inside to sit on the couch for another lazy evening.  Life is good!

Wednesday, June 23

All in a day's ride

Today I dropped Max off at the vet for a little surgery.  She needs a tumor removed from her paw and is getting her teeth cleaned.  She was not very excited about it, and seemed a little peeved, but too bad doggie- it's got to get done. 

I then headed out to Lake Arcadia to get a little hill workout in.  I left from the project office and headed north, then E, S, N, W, S, W, S.  I changed directions just a few times.  I was just exploring the backroads of OK and enjoying a nice hot, humid morning on the bike.  My main objectives were to get some good pictures and get a hill workout in.  Done and done!!!

It was a great little ride.  I only rode 17 miles, although I must admit that it felt much, much longer than that.  I was out there for about 1:40, so I'm kinda disappointed but it really doesn't matter.  I had fun.  I rode hills.  I got good pictures.  I enjoyed myself.  That's what it's all about! 

I'll let the pictures tell the story:

Pretty creek I passed over at the start of the ride.

Hee hee- Mission accomplished!

I've ridden by this cemetery many times, but have never stopped.  It's a pretty neat little plot.

Watch out, little turtle.  I better move you off the road to safety!

Cool driveway to someone's house.  Cool except when covered in ice...

Good ol' Oklahoma rollers

Same creek that I passed early on, but now there are neat birds hanging out in it.  What kind are they?

When I got back to the car, there were lots of hawks flying around above.  I managed to catch one in motion.  They sure are pretty!

Overall it was a great ride.  I'm now on a mission to ride my bike, have fun and take lots of pictures.  Mission accomplished. 

Ride on, my friends!!!

Monday, June 21

OK Freewheel

I just got back from my  4 day ride across half the state of OK.  So as not to repeat myself, and because I really don't want to write it up again- here is the link to my journal on

Tanya's Freewheel Adventure

I had a great time!!  OK is a beautiful state.  Hot, humid and miserable....... but beautiful!!  Here are some of the pictures that didn't make it into the journal online.

 up at 3:45 am on the first day.  That's just not right...

 beautiful winding roads with lots of shade on the first day.  Good thing because it was HILLY.

 Denis' rest stop.  A VERY welcome sight every day
 a gorgeous mule that played shy with me.  he'd come close, then run away- then come close again

 Speedwheel races in Tahlequah on Wed. night
 downtown Tahlequah

 a cyclist stopping to talk to a fisherman on the way to Pryor

 the water fountain that kept me cool in Miami

 I finished.  Not the whole week, but the half week is enough.