Thursday, April 14

New name- same old blog

You may have noticed a change in my blog address.  Yes, it's the 3rd name change in the last year, but I swear this is the last name change (unless something better comes along).
This new name better reflects who I am:  an eco-conscious cyclist.  I'm not just a biking fool.  Yes, I am a biker and a fool, but I wanted to incorporate the fact that I'm also an environmentalist.  I've really taken a deeper interest in becoming a better citizen of the planet lately, and have been changing things I've been doing "wrong" to make me feel like I'm doing a better job here.

The Village bringing back curbside recycling has really gotten my engine fired about about becoming mor eco-friendly.  Thank you, Village, for bringing back something so vitally important!  Now that we have recycling back in our lives, I find that I'm taking even more steps than normal towards making my life much more planet-friendly.

One major change in my ways has been to move from Kleenex to handkerchiefs.  I bought some a few months ago, and have added even more since.  I used to keep a box by my nightstand for middle-of-the-night blows, but I have now changed that to handkerchiefs as well.  No more Kleenex for me!  That's one step.  One HUGE step (do you even KNOW how much I blow my nose- it's ridiculous let me tell you).  We recycle so much now we only have to put one 33 gallon trash bag out each week.  Sometimes we don't even fill up one per week and can go two weeks on one 33 gallon bag.  I must say I'm very proud of us (but it's wrong to be self-righteous, so I won't say that).

Baby steps.  Once a week I will vow to make one more eco-friendly change in my lifestyle to bring me one step closer to being a better steward of the planet.  Thankfully I have a husband who plays long with me.  We just cut our cable bill by $30 by cutting out things we don't need.  Yes, we still have cable- but cutting that would require a divorce- and I don't want to go THAT far off the deep end.  TV will stay, but I will watch it less.

My change this week:  I have vowed to make Tuesdays media free.  No internet, no TV, mabye radio and definitely more reading.  Preferably outside on the hammock if it's nice enough. That might not seem like a big change, but for a media whore like me, cutting out one day a week is HUGE! 

So, sorry to change my blog address on you AGAIN, but hopefully incorporating a little more of who I am will make you want to read more.


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